

Charlotte Hornets Internship

During the summer of 2016 I worked as an intern for the Creative Services Department for the Charlotte Hornets. It was an incredible experience living and working in the city of Charlotte for three months. I gained further experience in digital and print design by providing creative assistance on multiple marketing campaigns, developing a presentation template from scratch to be used on all Partnerships presentations, designing an A-Z Guide for the Guest Services team, designing game flags, and so much more. Not only did I grow in my technical skills, but the experience of interacting with professionals from other departments within the organization and with fellow interns was a valuable one in learning how to express your ideas and communicate effectively.    


Digital Announcement Graphics


Greensboro Swarm Head Coach Announcement


Partnerships Presentation Templates


Branding and Print Designs


Hornets Gameday Flags


Recruiting Cards

These could be handed out to outstanding employees from other local businesses as a way to encourage them to apply for open event positions at the arena.


A-Z Guide

These would be used by the Guest Services team to help answer patrons' questions during games.


Women’s Apparel Designs


Mockups are something I did frequently during this internship, which further allowed me to delve into Photoshop. Mockups served as a great way to show those in other departments within the Hornets organization, and potential Hornets partners, what their branding could look like in potential environments. I commonly did mockups that could be shown to potential partners to show what their branding could look like in potential in-game promotion scenarios. Unless otherwise indicated, in-arena images and logos were provided to me, but the designs are ones I created. 


 Hanes T-Shirt Toss


Play Powered by Duke Energy


Harries Teeter Roulette and Beach Ball Drop


Bud Light Cans Inspired By Current and Retro Hornets Branding